Rebekah Hirsch
Rebekah Hirsch has been an astrologer for over 30 years. In recent years, her understanding of astrology has shifted to a profound experience of the planetary archetypes, both as elemental currents comprising a person’s human energy field and also as a powerful living presence in the universal field. Rebekah is an advanced level graduate of t Barbara Brennan School of Healing, USA, as well as a professional archetypal astrologer, having trained with Liz Greene and Howard Sasportas at the Centre for Psychological Astrology in London. She is also a trainer and facilitator of the transpersonal work known as Voice Dialogue. She lives in London where she runs a private practice as an energy healer and astrologer.
Rebekah Hirsch’s 4 Caritas Events
2024: Living in a time of change with Psychospiritual Astrologer, Author and Artist Rebekah Hirsch
Friday, October 27 Presentation
We know that we are living through momentous times, coming to terms with world events that can be deeply disturbing. So it is extremely helpful to take a step back, look at the larger time frame and understand that we are witnessing the ending of the old order and that something new is starting to be born.
2023: Aquarius, Aquarius, Aquarius! with Psychospiritual Astrologer, Author and Artist Rebekah Hirsch
Jan 21, 2023 Presentation
Jupiter Conjunct Neptune in Pisces, A talk with psycho-spiritual astrologer Rebekah Hirsch
Jan 15, 2022 Presentation
The big story of 2021 was the transit of Saturn in Aquarius squaring Uranus in Taurus. The square represents a battle between the two planets and it has brought us the extreme views and polarizing of opinion that we have seen in recent years, leading to fracturing in society and fragmentation that has cut through friendships and families.
2021: SATURN IN AQUARIUS SQUARE URANUS IN TAURUS A talk with psycho-spiritual astrologer Rebekah Hirsch
April 24, 2021 Presentation
In her talk, Rebekah explores both the risks and the potential presented by the Saturn Uranus square and the transit of Uranus through Taurus. In guided meditation we will have the opportunity to meet with these archetypal energies as living beings operating in our own human energy field and to hold a vision for the highest expression of these cosmic patterns.