The Science of The Soul, The Afterlife & The Shift w/ Claude Swanson
A Series of 7 Videos

Claude Swanson, Ph.D.
Born December 29, 1946; Died June 28, 2022
Dr. Claude Swanson was educated as a physicist at MIT and Princeton University. For more than 25 years, interspersed with his conventional professional career in applied physics, Dr. Swanson pursued investigations into “unconventional physics.” His principal interest was unified field theory, the so-called “Theory of Everything” which could explain the universe at the deepest possible level. This led him to investigate many aspects of the paranormal, which appear to be completely real phenomena that violate our present science. Paranormal phenomena, which have now been proven in the laboratory in many cases, offer a window into the deeper universe, the mysteries of consciousness, and unlock new forces and principles which conventional science has only begun to glimpse.
May 15, 2019
PART 2: Evidence For The Nature of The Afterlife
Jun 19, 2019
PART 3: Near-Death Experiences: Experience & Examples
July 2019
PART 4: OBEs & Orbs
The Out-Of-Body Experiences
Aug 2019
PART 5: Mediums and Mediumship
Sept 2019
PART 6: Electronic Voice Phenomenon
Oct 23, 2019
PART 7: Reincarnation
Jan 22, 2019
The Science of The Soul, The Afterlife & The Shift w/ Claude Swanson
A Series of 7 Videos

Claude Swanson, Ph.D.
Born December 29, 1946; Died June 28, 2022
Dr. Claude Swanson was educated as a physicist at MIT and Princeton University. For more than 25 years, interspersed with his conventional professional career in applied physics, Dr. Swanson pursued investigations into “unconventional physics.” His principal interest was unified field theory, the so-called “Theory of Everything” which could explain the universe at the deepest possible level. This led him to investigate many aspects of the paranormal, which appear to be completely real phenomena that violate our present science. Paranormal phenomena, which have now been proven in the laboratory in many cases, offer a window into the deeper universe, the mysteries of consciousness, and unlock new forces and principles which conventional science has only begun to glimpse.
May 15 2019
PART2: Evidence For The Nature of The Afterlife
Jun 19, 2019
PART 3: Near-Death Experiences: Experience & Examples
July 2019
PART 4: OBEs & Orbs The Out-Of-Body Experiences
Aug 2019
PART 5: Mediums and Mediumship
Sept 2019
PART 6: Electronic Voice Phenomenon
Oct 23, 2019
PART 7: Reincarnation
Jan 22, 2019