1. Study of the Astral Body.(emotional blokages and color patterns)
2. Contents of the Causal Body (Specific thought patterns, memory, sanskaras)
3. Characteristics of the Different Planes of existences.
4. Different stages of human evolution to Siddhahood (perfection)
5. How God plays His role in all aspects of Human life.
6. Turmoil in present American culture and its solution.
Swamiji continues his ongoing monthly lecture/ meditation series based on the immortal Spiritual classic, The Bhagavad Gita.
Based on the teaching of Lord Krishna in the immortal spiritual classic The Bhagavad Gita and as explained by Paramahansa Yagananda, the celebrated author of “Autobiography of a Yogi.”
As always, the material, though proceeding from Hindu scripture, embodies universal Truth as well as universal application.