Crossing the threshold is a dynamic and deeply engaging process. When we are able to see through the eyes of the soul, we can understand and participate in this wondrous endeavor. Since her first soul passage with her mother in 1993, Patricia has continued accompanying souls from all walks of life through the spiritual realms. Patricia’s fascinating experiences are chronicled in her book, Song of Sight: An Introduction to Soul Passage Midwifery.

Please join Patricia in exploring the intriguing topic of Soul Passage Midwifery.
In this presentation:
• Reflect on the role of the Soul Passage Midwife for the end-of-life cycle through the personal accounts and experiences of Patricia, as documented in her book, Song of Sight.
• Discuss the five inspiring, interactive, interdimensional processes involved in a soul passage.
• Discuss sacred tools for assisting in anchoring the beautiful living force moving through us.

• Reflect on the role of the Soul Passage Midwife for the end-of-life cycle through the personal accounts and experiences of Patricia, as documented in her book, Song of Sight.
• Discuss the five inspiring, interactive, interdimensional processes involved in a soul passage.
• Discuss sacred tools for assisting in anchoring the beautiful living force moving through us.
• Glimpse the incredibly loving and impactful roles of the Great Beings of Light, ancestors, saints, masters, angels and other beings of Light at the time of a soul passage.
• Engage focusing the attention through the practices of prayer and meditation, heart awareness and breath, creative process and improvisation, chanting and interdimensional communication.
• Practice communicating with beings telepathically through connecting with nature spirits, pets, earth mother (Gaia) and angels.
• Practice five loving affirmations for assisting alignment with the soul.
• Explore gently expanding conscious awareness through the heart to connect with the soul and the Higher Realms.
• Journey through the Higher Realms with the class to reunite with dearly departed pets and ancestors.

About Patricia L’ Dara
As with many in our Western society, Patricia’s first experience of being in a room with someone dying was with her mother in 1993. Patricia had no idea what to expect.
Hospice was not yet widely available. In her most agonizing moment, Patricia turned to Spirit to offer a prayer for her mother. The prayer was to anyone who might be listening. It was three words: “Please help here.”
When Patricia returned to her mother’s room, everything has transformed, Her mother looked youthful, beatific and serene. Angels surrounded her. Patricia
As with many in our Western society, Patricia’s first experience of being in a room with someone dying was with her mother in 1993. Patricia had no idea what to expect.
Hospice was not yet widely available. In her most agonizing moment, Patricia turned to Spirit to offer a prayer for her mother. The prayer was to anyone who might be listening. It was three words: “Please help here.”
When Patricia returned to her mother’s room, everything has transformed, Her mother looked youthful, beatific and serene. Angels surrounded her. Patricia was transfixed. A compelling force moved Patricia to her mother’s bedside where she spontaneously began singing. For her mother’s final two hours on hearth, Patricia sang at her bedside while she and her mom traveled through the spirit realms together. Patricia did not leave her body during this time. When a door opened in her heart, she became one with the subtle energies of the Higher Realms while concurrently being fully present on the earth plane. Patricia has continued to visit with her mom through the years.
In the early 1990’s, Patricia met Swami Parmahansa Yogananda in his spirit form in the mountains of Colorado. He advised that if she practiced his Kriya Yoga, she would know her soul and her soul’s work. She accepted his invitation and Kriya Yoga continues to be her practice today.
Patricia is Director of Soul Passages with the Sacred Academy of Global Evolution, based in Crestone, CO.
Required reading:
Song of Sight: An Introduction to Soul Passage Midwifery by Patricia L’Dara.
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Your book- just wow!
“I received and read your book, and as soon as I finished it, I read it again! Just finished it for the second time. There was so much richness, depth, profound insight and wisdom, and I just couldn’t get enough of it.” Ruth K., Spokane,Washington.