In Waking Up to the Dark, Clark Strand weaves together paleobiology, memoir, history, science, and spiritual archeology to lead readers back into the lost mysteries of the dark and diagnoses with urgency and cultural coherence the problems at the heart of modern life.
“Hidden in the darkness is an ancient secret suppressed by every aspect of our light – drunk modern world – there is a Great Mother from the bottom of time who has always guided us through perils and calamities. Now is the hour of her return.”
Clark offers penetrating insight into the spiritual enrichment that can be found when we pull the plug on our billion-watt culture. He argues that the insomnia many of us experience as “the Hour of the Wolf” is really “the Hour of God” – a wellspring of rest and renewal, and an ancient reservoir of ancestral wisdom and inspiration. And in a surprising yet powerful turn, he shares an urgent message for the world, received through a mysterious apparition he calls Our Lady of Climate Change, about the challenges that are coming.
Books by Clark Strand.