The CSF is a clear fluid that bathes our central nervous (CNS) system. Our CNS is entirely buoyant in this fluid. The CSF has many important functions in nervous system development and the adult human to promote growth and help maintain homeostasis. New research shows that the CSF bathes the brain tissue in a strong, regular rhythm during sleep waves, removing waste and debris from the nervous system.
Breathwork has been shown to actively affect the movement of the CSF, activate the parasympathetic nervous system, and create a conscious pulsating wave within the middle of our spinal cord and in the middle of our brain. Breathwork can induce powerful alternate states of consciousness.
If the CSF has evolved as a fluid system transmitting information, whether through mechanical means, vibrations, chemical growth factors, or light, could the CSF be responsible for transmitting the Source energy throughout our nervous system and bodies? The CSF is 99% water. Could water hold memory or transmit energy? The CSF could be a conduit or bridge from physical form to Source energy, God, Unmanifest Potential, and Consciousness.
Water has been shown to go into the 4th phase, the Exclusion Zone, and can act as a battery. Based on creating certain internal frequencies or vibrations within our own CSF, could our CSF go into a 4th phase and create a battery, with the body as the circuit, enabling us to become illuminated while under certain states of consciousness?

He has been practicing mindfulness since 1998, and teaching mindfulness to patients with chronic pain since 2018, and he is the Director of Multidisciplinary Care at Synovation Medical Group. He has led the Awakening Awareness Program and Inward Inquiry for the Emerging Sciences Foundation which can be found on YouTube.
He has published numerous scientific papers and medical book chapters on the cerebrospinal fluid, disability, and pain management. He has also published “I Am”, “All One”, and “All Love” which are three books exploring topics of awareness, primarily for kids, but really for people of all ages. He has also published “Close Your Eyes, What Do You See?” with his son, which is a story about imagination and intention. And he also published “A is for Awareness: A Consciousness Expanding Alphabet”, a new alphabet book. These can all be found on Amazon.
He continues to create programs to help patients with chronic pain and investigate the cerebrospinal fluid and integrate new research to evolve the hypothesis of The Cerebrospinal Fluid and I Am.