New Weekly Study Group Reading and Discussing
Songlines of the Soul: Pathways to a New Vision for a New Century
A Book by Veronica Goodchild, PhD

Study Facilitator: Gloria Coelho

*See below for event description

Meeting Weekly Online on Mondays, beginning June 5


5:30pm - 7:00pm Mountain Time (4:30 - 6:00pm Pacific, 6:30 - 8:00pm Central, 7:30 - 9:00pm Eastern)



However, a $5 weekly donation is requested to defray costs.

All events and classes are broadcast online using ZOOM. 

For more information in this class, call 845-720-2955

Registration Form: New Weekly Study Group Reading and Discussing Into the Unseen: Spiritism and Mediumship by Léon Denis

“There is a knowledge that secretly and imperceptibly tries to make its way into our world from time to time over the course of history. This knowledge is subtle, residing in a space that is neither precisely inside nor precisely outside – it is found in the intervals between waking, sleeping, and dreaming. From the earliest philosophers and shamans, to the alchemical mystic philosophers, to the Sufi Gnostics and Western mystics, through to Jung’s psychology of the transpersonal unconscious and beyond…we can glimpse the streams of underground initiates, who through direct experience of this reality, sought to keep this vital knowledge…alive.” – Veronica Goodchild (excerpt from Songlines of the Soul)


1. The Return of the Mysteries

2. Anomalous Experiences and the Subtle World

3. The Mystical Traditions and Jung’s Subtle Imaginal World

4. Synchronicity and the Sounds of Silence

5. UFOs, Collective Synchronicities, and Transformation

6, Crop Circles: Star Codes/Earth Dreams


7. A New Vision: As Above So Below

8. Prelude to the Journey to the Other World

9. Mystical Cities and Musical Notes

10. Mystical Cities, and the Historical Record

11. Missing Time and Mystical Cities

12. Healing Sanctuaries and Hissing Snakes

13. Eros Consciousness, Water, and the Moon: Songlines & the Return of the Cosmic Soul

Study Facilitator:

Gloria Coelho founder and director of The Caritas Center in Boulder, has been teaching courses in Jungian-based dreamwork for over 20 years. Also a Spiritist healer, Gloria often utilizes dream interpretation to assist people in their emotional, spiritual and/or physical healing process.

Check out our other compelling videos on the Caritas Consciousness Project Youtube channel. More videos are being added weekly!