1. The Return of the Mysteries
2. Anomalous Experiences and the Subtle World
3. The Mystical Traditions and Jung’s Subtle Imaginal World
4. Synchronicity and the Sounds of Silence
5. UFOs, Collective Synchronicities, and Transformation
6, Crop Circles: Star Codes/Earth Dreams
7. A New Vision: As Above So Below
8. Prelude to the Journey to the Other World
9. Mystical Cities and Musical Notes
10. Mystical Cities, and the Historical Record
11. Missing Time and Mystical Cities
12. Healing Sanctuaries and Hissing Snakes
13. Eros Consciousness, Water, and the Moon: Songlines & the Return of the Cosmic Soul

Study Facilitator:
Gloria Coelho founder and director of The Caritas Center in Boulder, has been teaching courses in Jungian-based dreamwork for over 20 years. Also a Spiritist healer, Gloria often utilizes dream interpretation to assist people in their emotional, spiritual and/or physical healing process.