Experiencing the Shamanic Journey to Connect with Nature with Sandra Ingerman

*See below for event description

Friday, July 12


5:30-7:30pm MDT, 4:30-6:30pm PDT, 6:30-8:30pm CDT, 7:30-9:30pm EDT



All events and classes will be broadcast online using ZOOM.

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We will be broadcasting live on ZOOM. If you have registered and are unable to attend, we’ve got you covered! Just send an email to [email protected] to obtain the link for the video recording.

Sandra is delighted to share the ancient art of shamanic journeying  with you. Shamanism is the oldest universal spiritual practice on the  planet today.  

One of the fundamental practices of shamanism is the shamanic  journey. This practice is known as direct revelation where we all have  access to divine helping spirits that live in the transcendent worlds but  volunteer themselves to us to help us during our lives to bring us  guidance and healing.  

In this 2 hour course we will learn how to enter a new state of  awareness and open your perceptions to the unseen realms to meet up  with your personal helping spirits. You will also learn how to  shamanic journeying to connect and communicate with your favorite  beings in nature. You can journey to an element you love, a being that  lives on the earth, or in the air, or in the water. 

This course will be experiential in learning how to journey. And  hopefully there will time to answer some questions.  

If you have a drum, rattle, or other instrument you would like to try to  use while journeying please bring it to this session. Sandra will be  drumming for you if you have no instrument to try to journey with. 

 Books by Sandra Ingerman

Sandra Ingerman, MA, is an award-winning author of  thirteen books, including Soul Retrieval: Mending the  Fragmented Self, Medicine for the Earth: How to Heal Personal  and Environmental Toxins and Walking in Light: The Everyday  Empowerment of Shamanic Life. She is the presenter of nine  audio programs produced by Sounds True, and she is the creator  of the Transmutation App. Sandra is a world-renowned teacher  of shamanism and has been teaching for more than 30 years. She 

has taught workshops internationally on shamanic journeying,  healing, and reversing environmental pollution using spiritual  methods. Sandra is recognized for bridging ancient cross cultural healing methods into our modern culture addressing the  needs of our times.  

Sandra is devoted to teaching people how we can work together  as a global community to bring about positive change for the  planet. She is passionate about helping people to reconnect with  nature. Since the 1980’s thousands of people have healed from  past and present traumas through the classic cross cultural  shamanic healing method Sandra teaches called Soul Retrieval.  

She is a licensed marriage and family therapist and professional  mental health counselor. She is also a board-certified expert on  traumatic stress. She was awarded the 2007 Peace Award from  the Global Foundation for Integrative Medicine. Sandra was  chosen as one of the Top 10 Spiritual Leaders of 2013 by  Spirituality and Health Magazine.  


All events and classes will be broadcast online using ZOOM. Register below.

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We will be broadcasting live on ZOOM. If you have registered and are unable to attend, we’ve got you covered! Just send an email to [email protected] to obtain the link for the video recording.