This fascinating volume recounts the story of some of the author’s voyages past the edge of life, using techniques learned at The Monroe Institute. Moen says, “I sailed out and back many times and returned with more knowledge through my own direct experience.”
Moen describes for the reader how to access this knowledge, and says he hopes that “at least bits and pieces here ring true to your own experience, and that finding those bits and pieces will encourage you to continue…Follow your curiosity and it can lead you to your own Afterlife knowledge. Then you’ll know too.”
– from back cover

Study Facilitator:
Gloria Coelho founder and director of The Caritas Center in Boulder, has been teaching courses in Jungian-based dreamwork for over 20 years. Also a Spiritist healer, Gloria often utilizes dream interpretation to assist people in their emotional, spiritual and/or physical healing process.