This program explores the Cayce information at its source – what he called the “Akashic Records” – and examines Cayce’s understanding of Reincarnation and Family Karma. Former Executive Director and CEO of the Edgar Cayce work, Kevin J. Todeschi, explores some of the case histories from the Cayce files and gain insights into the dynamics of some of your own personal, family relationships.
For more than 45 years, Kevin has made an in-depth study of the Edgar Cayce material, especially as it relates to soul growth and personal development. His bestselling book, Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records, describes how rather than simply being a record of the past, the Akashic Records are actually an interactive source of information that draws experiences and relationships to individuals for their own soul development. They are also constantly calculating “possible realities” for our individual futures. His book, Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation and Family Karma, examines the universal dynamics of why individuals are drawn toward one another.
During this insightful program:
- Glimpse your own Akashic Record and discover a probable past life and insights into your present experiences.
- Examine the dynamics of human relationships and explore case histories from the Cayce files that can enable us to understand the value in even our most challenging relationships.
- Take away insights into what you may be learning from both your challenging and positive relationships.
This presentation examines some of the most interesting concepts in the Cayce readings. It is a recording you won’t want to miss!
Comments received about Kevin
Kevin’s history, experience, and immersion in the Edgar Cayce readings makes him one of the BEST speakers on these topics!
What is best about his programs are his stories and his ability to explain complex topics in an easy-to-understand manner!
Excellent presentation by a fabulous speaker! Eye-opening, entertaining, and fast moving. I did not want the program to end.

Kevin J. Todeschi, is the author of more than 25 books, including Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records , Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation and Family Karma , Edgar Cayce on Mastering Your Spiritual Growth, and Edgar Cayce on Vibrations . He also created the popular Edgar Cayce Co:Creation app , featuring Edgar Cayce “Thoughts for the Day,” which have been a source of guidance and inspiration all over the world.
Kevin has lectured on six continents to thousands of individuals about the amazing insights in Cayce’s work and how they can transform your life. He is also a nationally recognized resource on dream interpretation and the author of The Best Dream Book Ever , Dreams, Images and Symbols , and A.R.E.’s Dream Interpretation app . Kevin remains one of A.R.E.’s most popular speakers. All of his books can be found at www.KevinTodeschi.com.