‘What the elementals have called into the world is the last reverberation of the
creative, formative cosmic Word, which underlies all activity and all existence’
– Rudolf Steiner
During this presentation Susan will be exploring the hidden world of the elementals, where each entity is engaged in an interactive dance of mutual reciprocity throughout an evolving, dynamic field of living spiritual beings.
We will be looking at ways in which we can build a line of communication with the nature spirits in order that we may receive information and insight into their world. By working together with the beings who reside in the spiritual ecosystems of our world we can become responsible co-creators at this critical time in our evolution.
Science can only take us up to a point, but imagination can take us everywhere. Nature sighs for a new creative collaboration with humanity. As we go forward into the future, the intention and act of connecting with the intelligence in Nature will become a fundamental and primary law for a new Earth.
Susan is author of the book “Nature Spirits: The Remembrance: A guide to the Elemental Kingdom” featured in the Cygnus magazine, Nexus, Star & Furrow and Caduceus.
You can read her Book Reviews HERE.

Susan is also a singer-songwriter and has produced three CD’s entitled “Glittering Cities” , “Ravensong” and “Charioteer” which are regularly played on local and regional radio stations including the BBC.
You can read her CD Reviews HERE.

Susan Raven is a long time student of Anthroposophy and an experienced workshop facilitator. She has worked with the methods and exercises prescribed by Rudolf Steiner for seeing into the supersensible realms, and has also trained with Dorian Schmidt, director of the Biodynamic Research Institute.