by Gloria Coelho | May 23, 2021 | Caritas Upcoming Events
Dreams, arising from your deepest Self, are an immediate and accessible way of identifying the questions and solutions most relevant to your current life circumstances. Every dream, whether evoking tears of laughter or a heart-throbbing rush of terror, contains within...
by Gloria Coelho | Feb 22, 2021 | Events Done
Explore the world of spirit and our relationship to it in this thought-provoking weekly class. The text we’ll be using for this class, “The Spirits’ Book”, is the foundational book on the Spiritist philosophy, published by Allan Kardec,...
by Gloria Coelho | Feb 6, 2021 | Events Done
Throughout the course of dream research, each recognized authority has indicated one element they believed to be the primary one to consider in understanding a dream. The interesting thing is, they’re all right! Each contributes unique insights into a different area...