This is the deeper meaning of the sign of Aquarius
Aquarius has always been associated with friendships, groups, networks, humanitarian issues and revolutionary ideals. What we are seeing now is how the Aquarian act of coming together in unity and for mutual support takes us beyond individual egoic concerns and into the most profound understanding of the oneness of all of life, the importance of every individual life form and the astonishing creative power that flows through us. It becomes increasingly clear that the central issue for the age of Aquarius is the evolution of human consciousness.

On March 24th 2023, Pluto made its first entry into the sign of Aquarius – a journey that will last until 2044. The work of Pluto is the work of transformation and rebirth.
In this talk, Rebekah reflects on the implications of Pluto’s journey through Aquarius and the gifts and the challenges that transit represents. This is a wide spectrum, including some of the risks of expanding technology. She also speaks of Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, transiting through Taurus.
The Power (Pluto) of Community (Aquarius):
“For where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20

Rebekah’s book, Charting the Soul: Astrology, Characterology and the Human Energy Field,(available on Amazon) is a synthesis of archetypal astrology and the Brennan approach.
Rebekah runs her own “Charting the Soul” workshops based on the themes from her book. She regularly gives lectures at the Astrological Lodge of London and other astrology groups as well as teaching Voice Dialouge. She is also a visionary painter.
You can contact Rebekah at [email protected]

Rebekah’s Hirsch has been an astrologer for over 30 years. In recent years, her understanding of astrology has shifted to a profound experience of planetary archetypes, both as elemental currents comprising of person’s human energy field and also as a powerful living presence in the universal field.
Rebekah is an advanced level graduate of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, USA, as well as a professional archetypal astrologer, having trained with Liz Greene and Howard Sasportas at the Centre for Psychological Astrology in London. She is also a trainer and facilitator of the transpersonal work known as Voice Dialouge. She lives in London where she runs a private practice as an energy healer and astrologer.