In “Some Kiss We Want,” Dorothy Walters effortlessly weaves mystical jewels from all the living traditions—Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and the Abrahamic lineages—with succulent poetic language. The tapestry that emerges from the warp of wisdom with the weft of beauty is a magical carpet. Fly this book straight into the arms of the Beloved.—Mirabai Starr, spiritual teacher, writer, mystic, The Interior Castle: St. Teresa of Avila; The Showings of Julian of Norwich; God of Love

Andrew Harvey is a world renowned spiritual teacher, writer, poet, workshop leader and counselor for vast numbers on the spiritual path. Among his varied activities, he leads groups to India to visit the sacred sites, to Africa to view the white lions, and to Bali to experience the spiritual atmosphere of this ancient culture. He has published over 30 books and is recognized as a major authority on the poet Rumi, whose work he has translated and written about. He has been hailed as one of the most important spiritual figures in our time. Andrew Harvey is Founder Director of the Institute of Sacred Activism, “an international organization focused on inviting concerned people to take up the challenge of our contemporary global crises by becoming inspired, effective, and practical agents of institutional and systemic change, in order to create peace and sustainability.” His most recent publications include “Play it More Beautifully: Conversations with Seymour”; and “Evolutionary Love Relationships: Passion, Authenticity, and Activism” (with Chris Saade).

Dorothy Walters, Ph.D. was an avid reader from childhood and went on, predictably, to take a Ph.D. in English and American literature. She first taught at Colorado University and later at Wichita (Kansas) State University. While in Kansas, she helped to found one of the earlier Women’s Studies Programs in the nation and served as the director of that program for many years. In l981 she underwent dramatic spontaneous Kundalini awakening into extreme ecstasy and inner vision, but there were no gurus or teachers near her at that time and indeed Kundalini itself was virtually unknown in the West. She thus was forced to undergo her “initiation” alone as she underwent prolonged transformation of her physical, mental, and spiritual natures. In 1988 she moved to San Francisco, where she continued to monitor her own ongoing Kundalini unfolding and to research its nature and aspects. There she continued to follow her personal interest in such areas as
Extra Sensory Perception, Alien Visitors, Psychic Phenomena, and Spiritual Transformation. She has published a spiritual memoir titled “Unmasking the Rose” and also many volumes of mystical poetry, the most recent (2020) being “The Kundalini Poems.” She has several presentations on YouTube, many with Andrew Harvey as well an interview on “Buddha at the Gas Pump” (Batgap). “Kundalini Wonder” is the distillation of many years of research, reflection and experience. Alone in the early years of her process, she is gratified to observe the acceleration of awakenings happening today. She often offers free counsel to those undergoing personal spiritual transformation. She is at present preparing a new book of poems for publication, currently titled ‘Channeling God: Poems of Transfiguration and Mutation.” She now lives in Colorado and loves her life there.