Daniel Drasin is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and has been a photographer and media producer for more than six decades. Since the early 1990s, as featured in his documentaries Calling Earth, and Scole: The Afterlife Experiment, Drasin has been actively investigating the field of afterlife communication through traditional mental and physical mediumship as well as modern electronics. He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.
A New Science of the Afterlife: Space, Time and the Consciousness Code with Dan Drasin
Sharing his more than three decades of research into the afterlife and paranormal phenomena, Daniel Drasin shows that the survival of human consciousness after death constitutes a legitimate arena of scientific inquiry backed by a robust body of compelling evidence. He shared 15 promising avenues of post-materialist scientific investigation currently underway and explored what, by all accounts, the “next life” is like, where it’s located, what it’s made of, and what it’s for.